Friday, September 16, 2005

nothing much

From next week onwards I will be working for 14 hours a day… which is from 6.30am to 8.30pm…. so yeah I will have a tight scheduled… anyway that is only happen 5 days a week… I’ve found myself a part time job as a catering assistant… so I’ll earn more money to do what I like…

I wish to expand in cookery field, so I will work hard for that… hopefully I will get to be a chef in couple of year’s time… I resisted against peer pressure and decided not to go clubbing last night. I don't like clubbing because I don't go out and dance unless I'm completely wasted which is a bad thing. I had my first night out clubbing a couple weeks ago and I was plastered.

Am expecting the celebration of moon cake festival tomorrow… wrote down the list of things to buy so I guess I would not spend much time outside but will spend time in the process of preparing food… I love to cook and I love to cook nice food for my friends… and hopefully I will get my own entire recipe successful…

So plan for tomorrow is go to the market and grab some fresh ingredients, then will be home preparing, enjoy dinner at night with friends… no wild drinking, no wild party for this week… most slightly will park my nick online, or depends… so, that would be my plan for tomorrow…

As plan for Sunday… I would spend sometimes to do laundry, clean my room and get plenty of rests before I start my busy week… working hard for my future even though my body will get tortured… but anyway… I should learn to be tough…

Rite, enough of the update… will get prepare and do some shopping in the city and meet up with Liz to update myself LOL… tata everyone and have a nice day…

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Voice Within

Young girl don’t cry
I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young girl it’s alright
Your tears will dry, you’ll soon be free to fly

When you’re safe inside your room you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing’s harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means

When there’s no one else, look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within

Young girl don’t hide
You’ll never change if you just run away
Young girl just hold tight
Soon you’re gonna see your brighter day

Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It’s so hard to stand your ground when you’re so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you look outside look inside to your soul


Life is a journey
It can take you anywhere you choose to go
As long as you’re learning
You’ll find all you’ll ever need to know
(be strong)
You’ll break it
(hold on)
You’ll make it
Just don’t forsake it because
No one can tell you what you can’t do
No one can stop you, you know that I’m talking to you


Young girl don’t cry I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall

p/s: I used to post this song up but that was for myself only... and now I posting this song again because I would like to dedicate this song specially for Violet Jie, Sj and my LP... no matter what I hope we can share everyone's ups and downs *huggies*

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Happy Mooncake Festival

Yeah! Mooncake festival coming! So I would like to wish U all have a Happy Mooncake festival... enjoy the mooncakes and tea :D

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Meaningful-1 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


詞:陳綺貞 曲:宇督宮優子
月正圓 映照了黑夜
映照我們 回家的路線
月半圓 遮住了黑夜
遮掩我們 個性的殘缺

不要說 你還會有一點點的寂寞 有一點疼痛
不要說 你還會有一點點的信任 不給我

黑夜就要降落 降落在這個地球
地球裏有個我 在黑暗中探索
探索你的溫柔 溫柔劃破了宇宙
宇宙不再退後 黑夜總會有盡頭

月正圓 喚醒了黑夜
喚醒我們 遺忘在夢境裏的欲念
月半圓 切斷了潛意識的邊緣

不要說 你還會有一點點的寂寞 有一點疼痛
不要說 你還會有一點點的信任 不給我

黑夜就要降落 降落在這個地球
地球裏有個我 在黑暗中探索
探索你的溫柔 溫柔劃破了宇宙
宇宙不再退後 黑夜總會有盡頭

守候你的美 守候你的虛偽
守候著你的陰晴圓缺 再給我一些時間

黑夜就要降落 降落在這個地球
地球裏有個我 在黑暗中探索
探索你的溫柔 溫柔劃破了宇宙
宇宙不再退後 黑夜總會有盡頭
我將不再退縮 愛你不會有盡頭


詞: 李焯雄 曲: 歐陽業俊
天 為何總要黑 愛 為何變忌諱
我想要的 並不是 並不是 這安慰
當眼淚跌碎 一切怎挽回

心 為何像宿醉 痛 為何還不退
說無所謂 豈不是 豈不是 太虛偽 太可悲
相愛的機會 到底是誰在支配

給我最後溫柔 抱在胸口 假裝不必放手 還有以後
讓多年後我回頭 相信你的愛沒盡頭
給你最後溫柔 你的自由 不要讓你淚流 不要內疚
只要你回頭 依然覺得有 想我的理由

心 為何像宿醉 痛 為何還不退
說無所謂 豈不是 豈不是 太虛偽 太可悲
再一次機會 我渴望的 你不給

給我最後溫柔 抱在胸口 假裝不必放手 還有以後
讓多年後我回頭 相信你的愛沒盡頭
給你最後溫柔 你的自由 不要讓你淚流 不要內疚
只要你回頭 依然覺得有 想我的理由

啊 給我最後溫柔 抱在胸口 假裝不必放手 還有以後
讓多年後我回頭 相信你的愛沒盡頭
給你最後溫柔 你的自由 不要讓你淚流 不要內疚
只要你回頭 會承認我們 不止是朋友


詞:林夕 曲:伍卓賢
我自覺想你好 但也不要那麼好
要是太幸福 幸福得想不起 我對你有多好
是我私心叵測 他對待你差 便可對我盡訴
這次巧遇路途 恨你這麼生保

我自覺心已死 但這刻卻對不起
我越見越愛越稀罕得到擁吻你 那個滋味
是有一點卑鄙 想過為你死 被放棄還在氣
早已慘絕別離 但已是上世紀

沒有心事做人 平靜似水 是否活得開心
生了又再死 死了又再生 憎了又愛人 也許這先叫人生
就算心事如塵 蒙住我心 夜深了自有燈
慢慢認清心裏人 知你是過路人 明日再面對新生

你近況可以嗎 別怕講到你的他
我自信就免疫了 從關於他也勉強放得下
但據講他的心 花了又再花 是否我還未化
聽到心亂如麻 像我能代替他

沒有心事做人 平靜似水 是否活得開心
生了又再死 死了又再生 憎了又愛人 也許這先叫人生
就算心事如塵 蒙住我心 夜深了自有燈
慢慢認清心裏人 知你是過路人 明日再面對新生


改編詞:楊明學 原詞曲:宇督宮優子
九月的雨 它掩蓋了圓月 那是誰流的眼淚
不在乎是誰的不告而別 不管那悲傷屬於誰

從來沒跟你談論過永遠 也從沒想過何謂離別
然而在這漆黑的九月 剩我在雨中站了一整夜

憑什麼這樣把你帶走 留下烏雲纏繞在我心頭
給我個理由讓我接受 我已經失去了所有 就鬆開雙手

那是九月雨水 我已經不懂流淚
所謂的疼痛傷悲 我卻沒有感覺
遙望天的漆黑 你是否身在那邊
俯攬著我的臉 搖頭笑笑說這也是永遠

寒風刺骨我痛徹心肺 從今後我一個人睡
不需要再靠酒精來麻醉 我夜夜狂飲我的傷悲
黑色的月亮掛天上 照耀我消瘦的臉龐 孤單的模樣

那是九月雨水 我已經不懂流淚
所謂的疼痛傷悲 我卻沒有感覺
遙望天的漆黑 你是否身在那邊
俯攬著我的臉 搖頭笑笑說這也是永遠

不要再給我安慰 我的心早就已經粉碎 說了再多也挽不回
有誰能夠為我倒轉那時間 回到從前 當你還在我身邊

那是九月雨水 我已經不懂流淚
所謂的疼痛傷悲 我卻沒有感覺
如何回去從前 如何才能夠讓你回到我的身邊
LA LA LA LA 在九月雨水沒降下以前
LA LA LA LA 在九月雨水沒降下以前


詞: 陳忠儀 & 施立 曲: 陳忠儀
偶然路過你家的巷口 熟悉的招牌還閃爍街頭
時隔半年以後我們都 展開另一種新的生活

當我開始習慣寂寞 想起曾經被你愛過
和你一起 牽過的手 現在情願不自由 Oh
怪我沒有好好把愛把握 只能習慣寂寞

希望你過得更好 找到你要的依靠
回憶當作城市裡 某一段乏善可陳的愛情故事 Oh

當我開始習慣寂寞 感謝曾經被你愛過
最後一次 跟你分手 在你陌生的眼中 Oh
還能習慣寂寞 還能習慣寂寞


詞: 施立 曲: 伍思凱
那天 是一條界線
你忘了好好說再見 只留下背影是我腦海經典的畫面
在城市裏流漣 卻看不見 下個永遠


時間 原來就是考驗
讓過去都成了紀念 就像在手心長出了一塊死去的繭
陪著我到未來 繼續尋找下個永遠


多希望 有天偶然再遇見
我們都各自擁抱 下一個永遠



希望有一天 偶然能在回憶遇見


改編詞: 李焯雄 曲: 松本俊明
白月光 心裏某個地方 那麼亮 卻那麼冰涼
每個人 都有一段悲傷 想隱藏 卻欲蓋彌彰

白月光 照天涯的兩端 在心上 卻不在身旁
擦不乾 你當時的淚光 路太長 追不回原諒

你是我 不能言說的傷 想以往 又忍不住回想
想流亡 一路跌跌撞撞 你的捆綁 無法釋放

白月光 照天涯的兩端 月越滿 越覺得孤單
擦不乾 回憶裏的淚光 路太長 怎麼補償

你是我 不能言說的傷 想以往 又忍不住回想
想流亡 一路跌跌撞撞 你的捆綁 無法釋放

白月光 心裏某個地方 那麼亮 卻那麼冰涼
每個人 都有一段悲傷 想隱藏 卻在生長


作詞:姚謙 作曲:蔡健雅

一朵雲能載多少思念的寄託 再忽然相遇街頭
當我們擦身而過 那短短一秒鐘 都明白 什麼都變了
一轉身誰能把感慨拋在腦後 在事過境遷以後
這段情就算曾經 刻骨且銘心過 過去了 又改變什麼
地球它又 公轉幾週了(濃情愛戀 都已陌生了)
我不難過了 甚至真心希望你能幸福 當我了解你只活在記憶裡頭
我不恨你了 甚至原諒你的殘忍理由 當我了解不愛了
連回憶 都是負荷 我不難過了 甚至真心希望你能幸福
當我了解你只活在記憶裡頭 我不恨你了
甚至感謝這樣不期而遇 當我從你眼中發現已是
陌生人了 我已是 陌生人了


作曲:五月天-阿信 作詞:五月天-阿信

長長的路上我想我們是朋友 如果有期待我想最好是不說
你總是微笑的你總是不開口 世界被你掌握
月亮繞地球地球繞著太陽走 我以為世界是座寧靜的宇宙
今晚的天空有一顆流星劃過 在預言著什麼

在無聲之中你拉起了我的手 我怎麼感覺整個黑夜在震動
耳朵裡我聽到了心跳的節奏 星星在閃爍  你(會)怎麼說
你心中一定有座濃霧的湖泊 任憑月光再皎潔照也照不透
你眼中閃爍湖面無邊的溫柔 那波光在 誘惑
你已經有他就不應該再有我 世界的純真此刻為你有迷惑
我想我應該輕輕放開你的手 我卻沒有力氣這麼做

P/s: nothing related to me atm, but i just love this song, from the first time i listen to this song, it's just simply love it... Used to have such moment before... but it's just a short moment...


曲:阿牛 詞:李焯雄

你語氣是輕的 但意思我懂得 你轉身 雨季就來臨 有什麼 洗不乾淨
對 你是對的 再犧牲 到底不值得 趁現在 友好的分開 總是好的

為何有了勇氣還是不夠 握緊的 還是都放了手
摩擦裡 一點點 一些些 消失了 相愛的理由
也取笑過他們 為何愛 不持久 這一刻 我才曉得 忘記比思念長久
我一個人走 自由了 但要往哪走 我相信 你人是好的 但那愛呢

為何有了勇氣還是不夠 握緊的 還是都放了手
摩擦裡 一點點 一些些 消失了 相愛的理由
為何有了愛卻還是不夠 到了手 還是都鬆了手
生活裡 一點點 一天天 沒發現 牽手變對手
難道壓力在推 我和你才扣緊手臂 抵抗後疲憊 反而後悔


作詞:鄭華娟 作曲:鄭華娟

聽見別人提起你的名字 我就會臉紅
一張有你合照的照片 看來看去都不厭倦
坐在寂寞了很久的窗前 不停地想念
從沒有對誰的支字片語 可以讀了好幾百遍
像童話中的世界 如今出現在真實人生的眼前
再苦悶的時刻 也有彩虹 哪怕只是輕靠你的肩
像傳說中的愛情 如今出現在真實人生的眼前
當你擁抱著我 輕輕地對我說 你會愛我到永遠
我就像Cinderella 等到了尋找我的他
愛情的過程 總會有淚有掙扎 有你的溫柔 我就什麼都不怕
我就像Cinderella 等到了尋找我的他
等待你是我付出最甜蜜的代價 快樂的Cinderella 真愛得到了回答

P/s: waiting for the day to appear in my life...



葉子在窗外輕輕搖動 人行道沒有行人走過
鏡子裡的我很不像我 自從你離開了我變得很軟弱
你的影子在每一個角落 好像是在提醒著我
1 冰涼的夜裡讓眼淚溫熱我
2 感覺如果要走誰能說 NO
1 愛情怎麼會是這個結果
2 愛情是個夢而我睡過頭


作詞:Andy Willcocks 作曲:Kris Holland/Tami Holland

早已忘記了 天真的童年
彷彿只為 等待你的出現
也早已用去我 最難忘的回憶
去留住你 一直成長的臉

重視感情的人 總是害怕改變
不願改變的愛 總是輸給時間

有生之年 分手總是難免
說變就變 誰能給我們幾十年一百年
趁你還愛我 答應我
離開之前 要吻我狠一點

我們都聽過 愛你一萬年
那只是個 善意的謊言
而兩個人之間 過一天少一天
卻永遠是 不能倖免的預言

你甚麼時候離開 會不會例外
愛上你 太快 太久 太深
擁抱你 雙手該怎麼擺

有生之年 總有天淪為陌路人不再見
趁你還愛我 答應我


曲:林毅心 詞:阿管

彷彿上一分鐘 你還陪在我左右 還以為我們會 開花結果
我還記得玫瑰色天空 卻模糊了我們的臉孔 哼過的歌到底是什麼內容
彷彿已經自由 下一刻我變成風 吹過你的領空 差點失控 回憶在夜裡鬧得很兇
我想我可以明白你所有的痛 想讓你知道我懂 卻擔心言不由衷
我們都接受 一定是彼此不夠成熟 在愛情裡分不了輕重
誠實得過了頭 不能退後也無法向前走
愛是一個自私的念頭 把寂寞消除的理由
剩下的那些感動 能記得多久


作詞:林秋離 作曲:熊美玲 編曲:陳揚

我能聽見你的憂鬱 卻難告訴你
而心慢慢 心慢慢 冰在彼此沈默裡

他們教我用手說出 所有的情緒
而窗外是 窗外是


要如何告訴你 早已原諒你
你不要哭泣好嗎 不要再哭泣

p/s: this is a very sad song... she can't talk anymore even she has a mouth because of an accident...


詞:瑞業 曲:光良

不做考慮也沒半點猶豫我就說了這一句 我等你你眼中閃過了一些訝異更多的是懷疑 
所以你可以離去不相信你還會回心轉意是我任性才決定 要等你
我眼中的淚沒掉過一滴只是隨你背影 慢慢倒流進心裡(底)我等你 
半年為期逾期就狠狠把你忘記不只傷心的 還包括一切甜蜜
(你應該已經和她公開在一起)要等你 要證明自己
才需要一段等你的限期 來遺忘自己

p/s: wait?!


詞:姚謙 曲:吳慶隆

還有牽引 突然有感應 在這一刻 他很開心
應該是 又遇見了新戀情 祇是現在 我不會妒忌
不斷找愛 是他宿命 就好像我總是選擇孤寂
在愛與不愛等待與放棄的煎熬裡 突然我會懷疑
太執著的愛妳 是出自愛情 還是因為不甘心
在放與不放沉澱與寂寞日子裡 直到看清楚愛情
祇屬於 屬於自己 時間的雨 下了多少季 我還等著
雨天過去 有點擔心 已經不適應天晴
在愛與不愛等待與放棄的煎熬裡 突然我會懷疑
太執著的愛妳 是出自愛情 還是因為不甘心
在放與不放沉澱與寂寞日子裡 直到看清楚愛情 祇屬於自己


曲:MOOL & YUGI 詞:陳沒

一閃而過 回聲轟隆 電光石火摩擦心痛
一瞬間加速度 墜落在寂寞公路
哪裡找我的夢被偷的夢 偷偷的逃走了不見了
一無所有了 一輩子晃晃悠悠
你說的一天不夠 不夠你愛我 不夠長 不夠久
你要的為愛而活 怎麼忘了我
好羨慕 你能擁有 別人的天長地久
一笑而過 愛恨酸楚 回憶的毒
開滿罌粟 飆著淚的光速 一個人栽進孤獨
搖曳 點一盞燈 點亮螢火 遠遠的
飛走了 熄滅了 蠢蠢欲動 在風中留一個夢
你說的一天不夠 不夠你愛我 不夠長 不夠久
你要的為愛而活 怎麼忘了我
好羨慕 你能擁有 別人的天長地久


作詞:楊立德(安德烈) 作曲:陳小霞

圓圓的 圓圓的 月亮的臉
扁扁的 扁扁的 歲月的書籤
甜甜的 甜甜的 你的笑顏 是不是到了分手的時間
不忍心讓你看見我流淚的眼 只好對你說你看 你看
月亮的臉偷偷的在改變 月亮的臉偷偷的在改變

圓圓的 圓圓的 月亮的臉
長長的 長長的 寂寞海岸線
高高的 高高的 蔚藍的天 是不是到了離別的秋天
我們已走得太遠已沒有話題 只好對你說你看 你看
月亮的臉偷偷的在改變 月亮的臉偷偷的在改變

Love is everything

Love is everything
曲:Kim Sung Tae(2Step Ent.) 詞:林怡芬 & 陳沒

我還沒有準備好 突然之間 無法解釋的奇妙感覺
陰的天 雲好遠 有些事正發生在我心裡面 再也不能假裝看不見
是什麼在蔓延 從眼裡到指尖太明顯
如果把手給你 請問愛情會讓你 帶我到哪裡去 OH
Love is everything 不想公開的秘密
讓我還盯著你 假裝沒事慌了的眼睛
Love is everything 從天而降億萬顆星星
我很確定 別想逃出你的手掌心
快喘不過氣 愛不可思議 真了不起 怎麼你還可以裝神秘

p/s: no special meaning for this song, just loving it...

Mc again

I am on mc today… having upset stomach and fever again… got myself rest last night… couldn’t really rest well and awake in each hour… can’t get to figure out what’s bothering my mind… then woke up about 3am and play few pool games in YM…

We have 1 and half day in really quiet mode because Linda was not at home… got myself got a list to prepare for Saturday and confirm everyone for dinner… so yeah will cook some nice food (that I reckon) for them… am thinking to make sweet potatoes dessert for Carol because she loves it… and might get some for her mum as well…

Sometimes I do think am I being sarcastic to people? But once I sit down and clear myself, I realize I would hate a person for short period and will still concern about that person… and I realize that, hating a person is just a suffering thing to do…. Well… I think that is normal? Unless someone that had did something really harmful or really bad to you right?

Need to clean up my room as my room is still in mess… need to arrange mails I received, cut the stamp and collect those stamps, clean up unwanted things and get my computer organized… I would want to spend some times in cleaning those file and rename it if is possible… I realize in my computer is really in mess now LOL…

Alright… I think I got to stop now to get my room clean up and throw everything that is unnecessary… so have a nice day peeps…

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Everything back to normal

Phew! Finally I got all the mess clean up and everything back to normal… when I woke up today Hiro helps me to clean up the whole kitchen and the mess on the dining table… then we got part of the kitchen clean… wanted to continue cleaning the whole mess but everyone seems to be tired… so we decided to get some rest and continue later on…

Then when we have enough rest, everyone came out from the room besides Rick and Linda… Linda left to Sydney to meet up with her father… and Rick is just acting nothing happen in the kitchen… we got the whole benched, oven, stoves, microwave, fridge and shelves cleaned…

I feel better now as everything is back to normal… I did predict that the house owner will come today… so I’ve write a piece of note to them just in case they will be mad of the mess in the house… and they really came in this morning… so thanks to my notes and no one will get annoyed for that LOL…

I will organize another party in next weekend which is the celebrating of moon cake festival… will invite Carol and her mum to join me for that party… planning to cook them dinner and then will enjoy the moon cakes while playing the lanterns… I told Linda that I would not want the mess like yesterday so I don’t count her in the celebration…

I know I am mean to do that, but I just can’t stand her noises and nonsense while she got drunk… besides that I would not want any weed appear in the party… so yeah.. I’ve just told her off so I won’t have another blood boiling day LOL…

Having upset stomach again… but will rest soon later because I will have another early start tomorrow :D… so yeah good night everyone and have a sweet dream…

everything went wrong because of Linda

I am trying so hard to be cool and calm… but things just do not go my way… the whole house is just in mess now… I just feel like blogging out because I know it is so annoying…

I am supposed to go to the market with Linda and Hiro but I didn’t go because I was thinking to get the cake for Hiro… so I wrote a list to Hiro and tells him what he should get home for me to cook them dinner…

Once there are out I was so excited that I am going to celebrate hiro’s birthday… so I get myself walk to the shopping centre and get a cake. It’s a chocolate cake, wanted to grab it from my shop but I was lazy to go to the city… so yeah I’ve try the chocolate cake from the bakery shop near my house…

When I got home I got myself to cook my brunch and get some paper works done while waiting for them to come home… they took 4 hours to the market and when they are back I went to check out the things that they’ve bought… and guess what? I am freaking annoyed and disappointed… I want them to get me winglets and they got me the big drumstick… I want to get medium fish they get me the super big fish, I want the raw prawn and they got me the cooked prawn, and they don’t even bothered of the missing ingredients… so yeah, to avoid people being unhappy in celebrating Hiro’s birthday, I have to cook as what I’ve got from them…

I was not really feeling well and not happy at all, but I have to cook for them as what I promised… I get everything ready and start cooking it… when it’s 8pm, we got our dinner and Hiro’s friends just reach the house… they bought lots of liquor and wine, then, right after the dinner, more people getting to the house and that is the beginning of the disaster…

They start drinking and smoking weed in the house… I am really annoyed of that… I seriously feel like running out from the house to avoid somewhere then joining them… so yeah, all the mess and noises making me sick… got myself prepare because they want to go to the pub in the city…

They hang out until around 11pm and we got the cake blow by Hiro and in the same time Hiro is drunk and keep vomiting… since Linda’s friends are here and they insists to go to the pub, so we got ourselves prepared and went to the pub… Hiro is drunk and so we could not bring him along, and there you go a birthday party without the birthday boy… -.- once we reach there it was too early as not much people in the pub yet… and then Linda start kissing and making all the movement like those desperate for sex… I went to a side and sit alone looking around instead of flirting around…

Then all the drama starts happen, guys are approaching me with drinks, and girls and pulling me to the dance poll… I couldn’t dance much because I am tired… I keep avoid everything… then Linda was drunk and keeps annoyed the entire bouncer in the pub… and I am surrounded but all the guys to make me dance and drink… I felt so annoyed and tried to avoid… it’s been so long after the last time we went to pub and I felt I don’t like to go to pub anymore…
Out of sudden Linda went to the toilet for very long time and her boyfriend got me to go in and pull her out… when I reach the toilet there are girls surrounding Linda because she is crying in the toilet… she said her boyfriend is cheating on her… but I saw she is the one who keep approaching guys in the pub… -.- I couldn’t do anything besides keep asking her to talk to her boyfriend… to be frank from what I see from the journey to pub and in the pub, her boyfriend being a fool and patient to her enough… she keep swearing and scolding her boyfriend but he doesn’t even say anything about it…

then those bouncer couldn’t stand anymore and chasing her out from the pub… and everyone got to leave because of her… anyway I feel better and lucky because I was wanting to left since I reach there… then at first we got Rick, Chris, me Linda and her boyfriend in one car, but Linda’s friends insists to squeeze in to have a ride… end up we’ve got me and Linda sitting next to the driver, Linda’s boyfriend is the one who drive and Linda’s friend and boyfriend, Chris and Rick squeezed at the back of the car…

in one of the traffic light, we are stopped by the police… luckily there is nothing happen to me as I seriously doesn’t want to have my police record in trouble… and so Linda and her friend get down from the car, then her boyfriend drove us home… and here I am blogging to blog to express how unhappy I am… I think I am used to my lonely life than mixing around or bitching around in the pub -.-/// okay I think I got to stopped now as it is too late for me to stay up, besides I got to get the whole house clean tomorrow …