Saturday, July 23, 2005


射手座 - 女

人馬座(十一月二十三日 ~ 十二月二十二日) 天生愛好自由。喜歡轟轟烈烈的愛情 樂觀、坦率、自尊心強、喜歡自由與戶外生活,十分好奇,為 了追求知識及獲得新奇經驗,愛做遙遠冒險的旅行。頗富直覺 與鼓舞他人的力量,有處理緊急事務的才能,心思運轉很快, 往往將精力分散於多樣事務,而不願集中在單一目標。忠於友 誼,婚姻與愛情卻不穩定。放輕鬆些,太緊張容易神經崩潰; 批評的話出口前,先刪掉一半;珍惜自己的伴侶,待他像待別 人一樣好,記得回家。 對人馬座來說,直是是金,預感是銀。如果你讓他他覺得「感 覺不對」,即使「感覺很好」,他也會渾身不舒服,焦躁、不 安,急欲找出不對的原因,看看是否能克服,如果可能克服, 他會試著去克服,如果直覺告訴他不可能克服,他便立刻放棄 。他崇尚果決的行事風格,尤其是O型人馬座。可惜,不少會 做出自以為果敢、明快的決定,實際上,卻只是快刀斬亂麻, 反而失去頭緒,把自己逼上絕路。太相信直覺,太依賴預感, 使馬兒跑得太快而失蹄。人馬座也因此而容易造成自己和別人 的精神性緊張,全身神經也難以得到完全休息。他總是處在不 斷感受環境或文字或語言所帶來的刺激之中,這使得原本身體 狀況不差的他,神經衰弱,對外在事物太過敏。他最安慰的是 ,莫過於他的感覺和別人的一樣。

代表人物: 黎明 - 行事優雅,具有想像力,對工作非常認真;能夠以堅強的毅力和意志力克服困 難;坦白、直率,喜怒形於色。 優點是剛毅中帶有溫柔,對人真誠;企圖心強。 缺點是渴望受到別人重視,若被忽視,內心會非常沮喪。

Friday, July 22, 2005


在你左右 還有多久
怎麼樣才能讓時間倒流 每一分每一秒都珍重
握緊的手 不願放鬆 十點半的飛機它在等候
不要再讓自己的眼淚流 我必須要走 要記得~~~
我們的故事真難忘 太多的回憶和希望
不管它有多瘋狂 我願意一生收藏
我們的故事不能忘 太多的情節要發展
不要放棄 因為有一天緣份會繼續
我知道你寂寞 一個人確實好難過
思念是一種痛 沒有你叫我怎麼活
身邊充滿誘惑 不堅定就容易犯錯
你是否能看見未來的收穫 你願意在耐心等候
我們的故事真難忘 太多的回憶和希望
不管它有多瘋狂 我願意一生收藏
我們的故事不能忘 太多的情節要發展
不要放棄 因為有一天緣份會繼續

p/s: I couldn't sleep now and keep repeating this song, no idea why, but I am just feeling unhappy...


詞:李瑞洵 曲:林俊傑

心 跳亂了節奏 夢也不自由
愛 是個絕對承諾 不說 撐到一千年以後

放任無奈 淹沒塵埃
我在廢墟之中守著妳走來 喔
我的淚光 承載不了 喔

因為在 一千年以後 世界早已沒有我
無法深情挽著妳的手 淺吻著妳額頭
別等到 一千年以後 所有人都遺忘了我
那時紅色黃昏的沙漠 能有誰 解開纏繞千年的寂寞


詞:向月娥,張思爾 曲:林俊傑

我們都是泡沫輕輕一碰就破 眼淚是愛的花火
昨天就像飛機穿過我的窗口 我什麼都沒有
我攤開了雙手妳予取予求 直到妳想自由
痛苦的時候我不會閃躲 就像樹葉甘心為春風吹落

只是簡簡單單的愛過 我還是我
簡簡單單的傷過 就不算白活
簡簡單單的瘋過 被夢帶走
當故事結束之後 心也喜歡一個人寂寞


我們常常無力的看著一些 美好 從身邊 走 過
但你想留住他們嗎? 凋謝的也能挽回嗎?

Promise Don't Come Easy

I should have known all along,there was something
I just never read between the lines
Then I woke up one day and found you on your way
Leaving nothing but my heart behind
What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don't come easy
But tell me if there's a way to bring you back home to stay
Well I'd promises anything to you

I've been walkin' around with my head hanging down
Wondrin' what I'm gonna do
'Cause when you walked out that door,I knew I needed you more
Than to take a chance on losing you
What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don't come easy
You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time
That's the promise that I give to you
You never thought I loved you
I guess you never thought I cared
I was just too proud to say it out loud
Now I know, to let my feelings go (so tell me)
What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don't come easy
You know I've made up my mind to make it work this time
That's the promise I can give to you
What can I do to make it up to you

Nightmare and Stupid Chatter

Had a nightmare last night…in the dream I was with someone but I couldn’t remember… I saw a body appear in the house out of sudden… the body seems black in color, and I don’t know who is that… the body just appear in the box, all I could see is the head and half body of the dead body…

In the dream, the body is really smelly and no one dare to touch or do anything with it, I couldn’t bother so much and I went for work… I can’t take off the picture of the body from my mind in work so I decided to go home and do something with it… but once I reached home I saw the body covered by one comforter and someone tie the comforter to cover the body, but when I look at it, I saw the body is moving and struggling to get out from the comforter, I was so scare because I don’t know what is it, it is so smelly yet it had been left there for few days… then I wore up from my dream…

It was really scary and I can still feel the smell… it’s really smelly :S… and finally I had my sandwich as the first meal of the day… I got no appetite as the smell is floating in my mind…

Finish some of the things today… still waiting for calls… anyway saw one idiot chatter in #uptown… that is actually a channel for quiz, what happened was this chatter went in the channel and keep changing the question using the change command… while there are other chatters who are playing the quiz… so I kick ban him… few second later I got this pm from him…
12[ 11 20 : 21 : 47 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 hey
12[ 11 20 : 21 : 52 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 tryimg to be funney huh
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 04 12] 12 ( 13 BB 12) 11 trying to be clown huh?
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 05 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 good luck
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 19 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 dosent matter clown or what
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 27 12] 12 ( 13 BB 12) 11 wuteva
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 30 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 u dont try to miss use yr powe
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 34 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 u dont try to miss use yr power
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 34 12] 12 ( 13 BB 12) 11 ya rite
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 40 12] 12 ( 13 BB 12) 11 go ahead and ask arsenic
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 43 12] 12 ( 13 BB 12) 11 and tell him as well
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 46 12] 12 ( 13 BB 12) 11 he knows me well
12[ 11 20 : 22 : 57 12] 12 ( 13 BB 12) 11 i will kick whoever disturbing ppl playing quiz in the channel
12[ 11 20 : 23 : 03 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 arsenic for whqat ekekek
12[ 11 20 : 23 : 10 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 no point
12[ 11 20 : 23 : 18 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 arsenic is arsenic
12[ 11 20 : 23 : 22 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 just the channel owner
12[ 11 20 : 23 : 43 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 its alwayz easy for me just to movge the channel over from the server it self
12[ 11 20 : 24 : 01 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 chiowss
12[ 11 20 : 24 : 06 12] 12 ( 11 Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 12) 13 we will talk later okay
12[ 11 20 : 24 : 12 12] 2: : 2: Pr|nC3_HaMsTeR 08has left IRC ( Reason: 08)

Stupid rite? Damn I just hate those lamers… just because of those lamers, the working quality are so bad! -.-

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Still waiting for the house owner from the other side to confirm whether me and my housemate can rent the house or not… do wish I luck for that….

Hmmm Kate told me she will not get to online in few weeks or longer because she is working in new office that is without the internet line… so she can’t get online in working hour anymore :s…

Today Nick was sick and I had gastric pain as well… no idea what happened but just pain since I woke up… last night had a sweet dream but I am lazy to type it out now… no matter what I had a normal day… and busy one…

Hmmm… finally the chat room problem got solved… and yeah nothing really bad… not sure if they actually meet outside to settle the chat room problem… but it is really stupid and annoying -.-… right I guess it’s time for me to off soon… tata and have a nice day…

I Believe

I Believe
作曲:David Tao 作詞:David Tao
David Tao & Tension

在我的視線 有一個模糊的光芒
指引我追尋 心裡的夢想
每一天 我需要多一點勇氣
灌溉我的心 讓信心能繼續
我知道 這旅程一定會很艱難
必須面對這一切 不管多累
I Believe 我有一天 會能夠讓自己所有的夢想實現
我知道會有一天 生命中的希望會在我眼前出現
再也不用一直懷疑 因為愛存在我心裡面
Cause I Believe
Cause I Believe
看清楚 很容易迷失了方向
追尋這個夢 讓未來發光
不怕錯 只怕我知道不敢做
我知道 這旅程一定會很艱難
必須面對這一切 不管多累
I Believe 我有一天 會能夠讓自己所有的夢想實現
我知道會有一天 生命中的希望會在我眼前出現
再也不用一直懷疑 因為愛存在我心裡面
I Believe 就在今天 我已經讓自己所有的夢想實現
再也不用一直懷疑 因為愛存在我心裡面
Cause I Believe
在眼前 每一個夢想都實現
我看的清楚 看的很清楚

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


要了解,也要開解; 要道歉,也要道謝;要認錯,也要改錯;要體貼,也要體諒;
可以浪漫,但不要浪費;可以隨時牽手, 但不要隨便分手。

P/s; Missing u so much

Teddy Bears

Lovely Teddy Bear - 3 Posted by Picasa

Lovely Teddy Bear - 6 Posted by Picasa

Lovely teddy Bear - 5 Posted by Picasa

LovelyTeddy Bear - 4 Posted by Picasa

Lovely teddy Bear - 1 Posted by Picasa

Lovely Teddy Bear - 2 Posted by Picasa

Lovely Teddy Bear Posted by Picasa

A Loving Monday

You know it is so fun to have a group of friend to accompany you especially when you are tired at night or you are just back home from a tiring job… this group of friend are who I really appreciate and enjoy be with…

I love chatting with they all… like Jaja, jie, Derrick, MM gor, SJ, in the chat room I have people like Pat, Ken Ken, kumiko and the rest… in day time I got Kate, kambing and the rest… they are just being so nice… sorry if I left out any nicks… but I just feel great spending time to chit chat with them… and I guess some of them will not want to offline once we are having fun even we are tired, or sleepy right? :P

Errr… basically I haven’t been sleeping since last night… we were enjoying till my time around 5am then I had phone call with a friend… right after the phone call I went to work and spend my time in front of computer after home…

Sometimes I am not trying to discriminate any races… but you know when I see how Chinese people do things and Malay people do things… I am glad that I was born as Chinese LOL… sorry to say Malay people are having really stupid thought at times… they are just trying to be as stupid as they can… anyway I know I am not suppose to put the race or what… but then most of the Malay that I’ve known are being so annoying… and see all the people who work in government sector… see all the riot happened in Malaysia… I am just sick of them at times….

Hmm… basically I felt so blank now… because I have not been sleeping… eyes was tired since I cried just now… I cried not because I am sad but I was touched… touched of the song by Nick… thanks Nick muacks…

Okay I guess I got to stop now as I don’t think I have anything to blog today… even I have I can’t remember any now :D… so tata and good night :D


Lovely Teddy Bear - 3 Posted by Picasa

Spend all your time waiting, For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There's always some reason, To feel not good enough,
And it's hard at the end of the day

I need some distraction, Oh beautiful release
Memories seep from my veins
And may be empty, Oh and weightless and maybe,
I'll find some peace tonight

In the arms of the angel, Fly away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room,
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage,
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel,
May you find, some comfort here

So tired of the straight line, And everywhere you turn,
Cause vultures and thieves at your back
The storm keeps on twisting
Keep on buliding the lies,
That you make up for all that you lack

It don't make no difference, Escape one last time,
It's easier, to believe
In this sweet madness,
Oh, this glorious sadness,
That brings me to my kness

In the arms of the angel, Fly away from here
From this dark, cold hotel room,
And the endlessness that you fear
You are brung from the wreckage,
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel,
may you find, some comfort here

You're in the arms of the angel,
may you find, some comfort here

Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm enjoying

I am so glad to have a chat with everyone today and tonight… it’s been so long that I didn’t really sit down and chat with all the net friend… the best part is somewhere at night where Jaja, Jie and me were chatting in the chat room about food and cooking… I was sharing my entire favorite recipe with them… and yeah I played a song to Jaja’s mum :) I felt so happy to have a little short chat with her mum :)….

Even though some friends were busy, but most of them are active tonight… after the short chat we were so bored and I actually want to talk about the ghost story but SJ said she will scared so instead of continue I will more happy to talk about something else that everyone are happy with :)…

Out of sudden I was so bored so I invited almost everyone to the chat room, Jie, MM Gor, Jaja, Derr, Sj, LKA baba, Blue, huihui, swindy, wine, Vincent, glanc into the chat room, but not everyone really enjoy… so only few of us are enjoying :)… anyway thanks buddies… thanks for spending time with me…

To bad Kate and Nick weren’t on… or else they can join us for fun :)… anyway I got to listen to them a while and get some rest soon… tata everyone and enjoy your Monday :P

Sunday, July 17, 2005


曲 : 黃品冠 詞 : 姚若龍 編 : 吳慶隆

每次你任性時說的一些話 你知道那有多傷人嗎
但我頂多只氣個三分鐘吧 最後依然體貼的送你回家
有時想如果我不是一直讓 你也許會懂得學著體諒
但是我完全無法硬著心腸 做得讓你有一點難過失望
總覺得有疼你的責任 要是最快樂最單純的人
因為你讓我的心變得丰盛 原來不奢望的變成可能
總覺得有疼你的責任 讓你做最輕鬆最自然的人
我想不遮掩也是一種信任 愛得了解包容 才算愛得完整

p/s: Do you remember the song? the first song that u asked me to listen and you told me that if there is a guy sings me the song I will be really xin fu... so? Are you going to sing for me? :D oh ya! 2 more days one week already... Please do remember the singing promise :D... (this specially goes up to someone who know who he/she is :D)

For your reference only

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pose when taking photo - 2 Posted by Picasa

pose when taking photo - 4 Posted by Picasa

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pose when taking photo - 6 Posted by Picasa