Monday, January 03, 2005

Sick again

Yes, I am sick again... I went to see doctor just now. Doctor advice me to admit to hospital for further inspection. The fear of living in hospital is very strong… is not about ghost of spirit, but is about live and death…

When I had my operation last time I used to talk to some patient in the hospital, but am like very soon or anytime you will hear the news that they had passed away… I don’t know how to explain this feeling, even though I am not the close family or close friends to those patient, but they are my companion in the hospital… if I am being too sad, I will be saying silly, but if I don’t feel sad at all I felt horrible… arghh.. Is just a feeling…

Thanks Ah Nic for the testimonials… I’ve got it when I checked my friendster a while ago…

I was kinda enjoy last night… having the karaoke session with Sky jie jie, Jaja lp, Derr and SJ tou dai, Regis Gor, Wise, Blue, Eline, Bmboy, Evo and myself… 2 guitarists which are Sky jie jie and Jaja lp had present few songs to us… thanks a lot…

And that is what I did in the beginning of the second day in year 2005, got myself to bed in around 630am… besides entertaining myself, I’ve finally got my tag board in this blog done!!!... Thanks for leaving mesg in the tag board…

Do type something when you guys surf on this blog… just to know who is here to read… I guess if you don’t wanna let me know you are here to read… then please do not type anything here…

Feeling a bit drowsy at the moment… got some antibiotics and some medicine from the doctor today… the wound had caused the fever and I am not resting enough… besides that, I need plenty of water and food to gain some energy… my weight now is 35KG… :s… I am aiming to gain 10KG… wish me luck…

I received the most special gift from my friend (SzeBoon), he had bought me 30 can of coke, he told me that if I am feeling down, ask me to drink as much coke as I can, and burp out all of the problems… I will try out one day :P

There was once I watched a movie, the heroin in the movie will blow up a plastics bag when she is feeling unhappy and once she got the plastics bag blow up, she breaks the plastics bag… it is like squeezed all the problems into the plastics bag and burst it… :x…

Well another way that I heard from Melita is get a empty bottle and tell what is in your mind, then cover the lit so it will not ‘flow’ out… and I got few ways to settle the bottle, I can throw them in the rubbish bin so It will not follow me anymore, I can throw into the sea so the problem will flow away… I can buried under the bottle so when I got problem again I can take it out and tell the problems to the bottle again or I can display the bottle on a rack and finally do a quick reviews on those problems…

I guess telling out in the bottle won’t work for me… if not I will not be blogging here anymore :x… so forget about it… I will try out the coke method or the plastics bag method…

Okay, that’s it for now… will be blogging again if there is anything to trash out again… tata for now…


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