Wednesday, January 05, 2005

My fourth day of 2005

Never been sleeping yet as I tried to get some sleep but I failed to do so because everyone keep knocking my door to wake me up, first I got a letter and so Chris knock on my door, then Rica want to borrow some movies and want to talk to me and so she knock on my door, and finally Laco knock on my door because he bought me the internet card…

What had I been doing the whole day? Been working in the morning, had a half day work, then came home at 1:30pm, when I came home I’ve got myself a quick shower and then I came online…

I came online check my blog, check friendster, check mails and then on IRC for parking, don’t really chat much today as I am pretty tired… was online till my time 630am last night and got myself prepared then go to work at 730am…

After I finished everything I went offline to cool myself down and trying to get some sleep but end up sitting in front of computer online again… these days I spend most of my time on blog, searching lyrics, friendster, some MSN chat as well as checking mails and forum…

I’ve got myself some cheese and butter cookies today.. besides that I’ve got myself Chinese mushroom and chicken soup noodles… that are all the foods I had been eating the whole day… finished up the whole can of cook quickly so I can burp faster… but after all I got vomited…

Today is a bad weather in Melbourne, been raining for the whole day… but some weird scene in my from my house is the left side is raining and the right side is cloudy… anyway there are lots of weird things in the world so nothing is special…

Anyway I’ve got a reply from him that his nick is not scolding me… so I think is nothing to do with me… got nothing much to type as sometimes lyrics are good enough to just express my feelings… logging of from my blog now…


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