Monday, January 10, 2005

How I gone through my Sunday

Nothing to describe my mood at the moment… maybe I am thinking too much… been doing things for him… does he really care or he don’t give a damn?

Come across to chat with Jason, Serena and Lynn… they asked me what had I been doing and things... they surf on my blog to know some updates about me… after they read my blog, they asked me am I going to do things just for him but not for myself? Do I know what myself want and what am I aiming for in life?

And so those question pop into my mind… they suggest me to stop blogging here… the more I blog the more memory I will collect and it will just making me stuck in a situation of not forgetting the pass and not moving on…

Called Joey back and apologize for not going out with him this morning… and we had almost 1 hour chat… just crapping and nothing much to say…

Feeling weak and tired today… I ate Bak Kut Teh but I vomited for more than 4 times :s…. anyway Jason made me honey lemon juice… and he asked me to get some rest.. So he cleans up the kitchen and has some rest and chat with Laco before he left…

Okay nothing else I feel like typing… good night and take care…


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